The Team


Dr June Sim


June is a consultant occupational physician who has worked in occupational medicine since 2004. She gained her fellowship with the Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2008.

She worked as an occupational physician for the Western Australian Health Service for 13 years, and has consulted to a number of multinational mining companies for over 10 years. She continues to consult to the private and public sectors, with special interest in health, mining and rail industries.

She is a chair and member of the Industrial Diseases Medical Panel at WorkCover WA for respiratory diseases. She is the Chief Medical Officer for a number of railway companies and is a member of the Chief Medical Officer Council (CMOC). She delivers the training program for medical practitioners to become Authorised Health Professionals (AHP).

She is a board member for the Australasian Medical Review Officers Association (AMROA). She is currently the chair of the Faculty Assessment Committee and was previously the WA Regional Training Program Director for Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM).

She received the AFOEM President’s award for Education, Training and Assessment in 2015 and is the recipient of the Dust Diseases Board (NSW) scholarship in 2013.

Dr Peter Connaughton


Peter is a consultant occupational physician with extensive experience across a wide range of industries. He undertook specialist training in occupational medicine at the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) in Edinburgh.

He has been the occupational physician to Rio Tinto Iron Ore since 2008. His approach to protecting workers health is through collaboration and teamwork to implement effective workplace strategies, as was demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Peter has been actively involved in the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM), which included serving as the President from 2016 to 2018. His advocacy roles included serving on the Health Benefits of Good Work executive and the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance. He continues to drive for improved occupational health internationally in his role as the secretary of the International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC). He was awarded fellowship of the American College in 2020.

He received the AFOEM President’s award for Policy and Advocacy in 2010 and 2020 and he is a past winner of the Deane Southgate Award.

Dr Bianca Cheong


Bianca is a consultant occupational physician with 20 years experience in occupational medicine. She gained her fellowship with the Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2019. She is a WorkCover Approved Medical Specialist (AMS).

Her interests include injury management, fitness for work assessments (including non-work related conditions and non-musculoskeletal conditions), Independent Medical Examinations (including permanent impairment assessments), risk consulting and communication, and health surveillance program development, implementation and monitoring

She was awarded the Ramazzini prize for the best scientific paper by Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) in 2019. She received the AFOEM President’s award for Trainee Commitment in 2017.

Dr Andrew Thomson

MBBS, MBA, Grad Dip OHS, M. Medicine

Andrew is an occupational and environmental medicine registrar. He has worked in occupational medicine since 2017. Since commencing his specialist training, he completed a postgraduate diploma in Occupational Health and Safety at Curtin University and Master of Medicine majoring in Clinical Epidemiology.

He has expertise in workplace assessments, health surveillance, fitness for work assessments, injury management and corporate medical advice. He is an Authorised Health Practitioner (AHP) under the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB).

He has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia and has in the past managed community specialist centres and also undertaken a clinical process improvement term through the WA Health Department - Institute of Health Leadership.He has worked overseas in his prior career as a radiographer. When not at work he enjoys caring for his three children and undertaking teaching and research.


Sheryl has been the practice medical secretary for over 10 years. Prior to that she had worked in various medical administrative roles over the past 20 years. Loves walking especially with her beloved dog.


Lyn has been the practice medical secretary since 2017. She had worked in various medical secretarial jobs since graduating from Hartill-Underwood Business college in November 1976 including in Broome. She has also worked as a secretary for a mining contractor prior to commencing with us.

Her hobbies and interests involve fostering and working with animals for a local animal rescue.